About Us

Specialized in Brazilian Law by the Bahian School of Magistrates, Paula has advocated for large law firms in Salvador-Brazil, especially in the area of Consumer's Right Law. Before that, she worked as a trainee, at the Secretariat of Justice and Human Rights of the state of Bahia, and also at the “Consulado General de El Savador”.
In Holland, Paula studied Ontological Coaching during the year of 2011, graduating as a Professional Coach in 2012. She is currently doing a specialization in Life Coaching at an institute in Greece called Holistic Harmony, and preparing to become an ICF Associate Certified Coach (Acc)
In the Netherlands she has also re-discovered her potential as a community leader, having found the group Amsterdam International Women, besides having her life completely dedicated to the Mission of learning. 
As a coach she have been helping people in their process of transformation and nowadays she attend at home, among her plants and books, as well as by phone or Skype call.